2016 Issues: January • April • June • July • October
October 2016 Issue
Ancient Future Times: In Loving Memory
In Loving Memory of Phil Fong
•Passing of Original Ancient Future Member
World Music at Open Secret October 14
•An Evening of World Music Improvisations Featuring Matthew Montfort, Pascale Caristo, Daniel Berkman, and Emam
Helping Hands
•Send Percussionist Jim Santi Owen Good Vibes
Phone Home A.F.A.R.
•Check Out the Archive of Future Ancient Recordings on Mobile Friendly Ancient-Future.Com!
Save the Dates
•Important Shows in Early 2017
In Loving Memory of Phil Fong
Hi-Res Photo of Ancient Future Circa 1979 (1.3 MB). Shown: Benjy Wertheimer, Phil Fong, Mindia Devi Klein, Matthew Montfort
Passing of Original Ancient Future Member
Photo of Phil Fong Circa 1979 by Geoffrey Chandler
On July 18, 2016, Philip Fong passed away at St. Luke's Hospital in San Francisco after a battle with ALS. His family reported that he was courageous for the year and a half that he was hospitalized, and for most of that time he enjoyed a decent quality of life with the aid of a ventilator and speaking valve.
Phil Fong was an amazing musician and one of the most soulful sarod students of Ali Akbar Khan. The amount of emotion in his music was truly remarkable. But he became disenchanted with the music business only a few years after Ancient Future formed, and after leaving the band, earned a Master of Arts (M.A.) in Psychology, becoming a therapist practicing in San Francisco. No one can blame him for taking this course, and no doubt his patients are very thankful for his help. But Phil's musical legacy is important as well. He was well liked by his Ali Akbar College of Music alumni, and in addition to his work with Ancient Future, he played in a variety of other ensembles, from classical Indian music to punk rock.
Archival Video of Ancient Future with Phil Fong
YouTube video of Ancient Future Circa 1978. Shown: Matthew Montfort, Yusef Ali, Mindia Devi Klein, Phil Fong, Benjy Wertheimer
This video is an amazing archaeological find: the very first video of Ancient Future, recorded in late 1978, months before Ancient Future's first concert! Thanks to Jonah and Mariposa at Marin Artists International who were able to rescue parts of Ancient Future's first video recording session from archival oblivion during the time that Phil was hospitalized. This short teaser from 'Eternal Embrace' by Phil Fong from Visions of a Peaceful Planet was the first release from this archeological expedition. Performances of two complete pieces featuring Phil and the rest of Ancient Future have been recovered, and are now available on the reunion E-CD edition of Visions of a Peaceful Planet. We were able to get the video to Phil's family before he passed.
Phil Fong's Recorded Work with Ancient Future
World Music at Open Secret October 14
An Evening of World Music Improvisations Featuring Matthew Montfort, Pascale Caristo, Daniel Berkman, and Emam
Friday Nights World Music at Open Secret is a music series produced and presented by Emam, who performs with each artist on the series.
Friday October 14, 2016, 7:30 PM
Open Secret Bookstore
923 C St.
San Rafael CA 94901
Info: 415-457-4191
Tix: $20 donation at the door. No one will be turned away for lack of funds!
Info: 415-472-1008
Helping Hands
Send Percussionist Jim Santi Owen Good Vibes
"Last week it was confirmed that the testicular cancer that I was treated for in 2011 has returned. The good news is that this is one form of cancer that Western medicine has learned how to treat. It is considered to be 90%-98% curable. The not so good news is that that cure necessitates my undergoing 3-4 cycles of chemotherapy over the next 9-12 weeks with at least a month of recovery time afterward. I am (thankfully!) fully insured and fully supported by my family and friends, especially my amazing partner, Reshma Vasanwala. That said, I am sure we will need some help over the next few months, though, at this moment, I don't know exactly what that will be. For now, your thoughts and prayers and positive energy are appreciated if you feel inspired to send them our way." – Jim Santi Owen
Jim Santi Owen and Reshma Vasanwala are using LotsaHelpingHands.com to organize support over the next four or more months while Jim undergoes chemotherapy treatment.
Phone Home A.F.A.R.
Check Out the Archive of Future Ancient Recordings on
Mobile Friendly Ancient-Future.Com!
For world music aficionados, Ancient-Future.Com has a lot of valuable information, educational exercises, and streaming music and video, and now it is accessible on mobile devices! This huge in-house project has taken many hours away from precious music production time, and there are still a few projects left, including an expensive upgrade to the shopping cart to make it truly mobile friendly.
But you can help to insure that music production gets the attention it deserves. The fan funded Archive of Future Ancient Recordings gives supporters access to Ancient Future recordings as they are created. This summer, six new pieces and a video were added to the archive, bringing a total of 86 minutes and 51 seconds of music available to supporters immediately, with more to come as more money is raised!
As many are aware, forces within the tech industry seeking to profit from free content have destroyed financial support for music by promoting the meme that free music is good for musicians, claiming that musicians would gain exposure and make money playing concerts. But now that even famous musicians no longer make money from their recordings, they have to be on the road most of the year to make a living. This has driven down performance fees and made it harder to book viable concert tours for unusual acts like Ancient Future.
Ancient Future is dedicated to the idea that cross-cultural collaboration can help to create a better world, and now more than ever needs your help to continue to create world fusion music. Detailed information on the various supporter packages and the benefits included can be found at www.ancient-future.com/afar.html.
Live Video of A.F.A.R. Track
Watch video on Ethnocloud
A live medley of Prelude and Bookenka (The Adventurer), which was originally recorded on Ancient Future's Asian Fusion release, has been added to the Archive of Future Ancient Recordings. Fans can check it out on Ethnocloud at 720p now, and then get it in full resolution beautifully shot HD 1080p video and rich 96-kHz/24-bit audio as a thank-you for becoming a hi-res supporter of A.F.A.R.!
Save the Dates

Important Shows in Early 2017
Save the dates of these important early 2017 shows!
Sunday, January 22, 2017, 7 PM
Mariah Parker's Indo Latin Jazz
CD Release Concert
Freight & Salvage
2020 Addison Street
Berkeley CA
Tix: $24 adv., $28 door
Sunday, January 29, 2017, 7 PM
Mariah Parker's Indo Latin Jazz
CD Release Concert
Don Quixote's International Music Hall
6275 Highway 9
Felton CA
Saturday, February 4, 2017, 8 PM
Mariah Parker's Indo Latin Jazz
CD Release Concert
Occidental Center for the Arts
3850 Doris Murphy Ct. (Bohemian Hwy. at Graton Rd.)
Occidental CA 95465
Info: info@occidentalcenterforthearts.org
Saturday, February 11, 2017, 8 PM
Ancient Future 38th Anniversary Concert
Trinity Chamber Concerts
Trinity Chapel
2320 Dana Street between Bancroft Way & Durant Avenue
Berkeley CA
Press Release
July 2016 Issue
Ancient Future Times: Summer Shows Phone Home A.F.A.R.
Santa Clara House Concert July 28
•World Guitar Pioneer Matthew Montfort and Indian Tabla Virtuoso Vishal Nagar
Global Guitar Summit Tour Dates
•Konarak Reddy (India), Matthew Montfort (USA), and Teja Gerken (Germany)
Phone Home A.F.A.R.
•Ancient-Future.Com Now Mobile Friendly!
Santa Clara House Concert July 28
World Guitar Pioneer Matthew Montfort and Indian Tabla Virtuoso Vishal Nagar
Blending ancient world music traditions from fiery flamenco to resonant raga with the contemporary colors of jazz and rock, this variation of the world fusion music group Ancient Future features world guitar pioneer Matthew Montfort and renowned Indian tabla virtuoso Vishal Nagar.
Thursday, July 28, 7:30 PM
House Concert
Santa Clara CA
Adm: $15 general, $8 student/low-income requested donation
Concert Poster (244k .pdf)
YouTube Video of 'Yearning for the Wind' by Ancient Future
Global Guitar Summit Tour Dates
Konarak Reddy (India), Matthew Montfort (USA), and Teja Gerken (Germany)
Sunday, July 31, 6:30 PM - 9 PM
919 Fourth Street
San Rafael CA
Tix: $12 advance, $15 door
Thursday, August 4, 2016, 7:30 PM
Don Quixote's International Music Hall
6275 Highway 9
Felton CA
Tix: $12 advance, $15 door
Saturday, August 6th, 6:30 PM
Gryphon Stringed Instruments
211 Lambert Ave.
Palo Alto CA
Tix: $20 suggested donation
Friday, August 12th, 8 PM
Sebastopol Community Center Annex
425 Morris St.
Sebastopol CA
Tix: $20 advance, $23 door
Concert Poster (100 k .pdf)
This Global Guitar Summit presents three international acoustic guitar virtuosos who will perform solo and ensemble pieces.
Hailing from Bangalore, India, Konarak Reddy is a legend among music aficionados in his home country. From the start, Konarak immersed himself in both Western classical theory on guitar and traditional Indian music on the sarod. Konarak later studied jazz improvisation at Boston’s Berklee College of Music and the Musician’s Institute in Hollywood, from which he graduated with honors. Today, his playing integrates Hindustani and Carnatic styles into contemporary solo guitar masterpieces. His two albums, Searching for the Goddess and Solar Avatar have received critical acclaim.
Matthew Montfort is a pioneer among guitarists who have had their fretboards scalloped in order to play various forms of world music that require intricate note-bending ornaments while still being able to play chords. He has released two solo CDs: Seven Serenades for Scalloped Fretboard Guitar and Sympathetic Serenade, for which he is recognized as one of the world's 100 Greatest Acoustic Guitarists by DigitalDreamDoor.com .
German-born Teja Gerken is a contemporary steel-string fingerstyle guitarist whose playing merges the styles of European guitar pioneers such as John Renbourn and Pierre Bensusan with the distinct sounds of American players such as Leo Kottke and Michael Hedges. Known for his original compositions, many of which employ alternate tunings, two-handed tapping, percussive effects, and other extended guitar techniques, Teja will also bring Celtic, jazz, and classical styles to the Global Guitars show.
- Streaming Now: Dean Suzuki's interview with Matthew Montfort about the Global Guitar Summit on Discreet Music on KPFA is archived online at www.kpfa.org until July 31.
- Monday, August 1, 4:05 PM, Hala interviews Matthew Montfort about the Global Guitar Summit on KKUP, 91.5 FM, 1275 Franklin Mall, PMB 9150, Santa Clara CA , 95050. Streams live at kkup.org.
- Monday, August 1, 9 PM, DJ Sol Max Ion interviews Matthew Montfort about the Global Guitar Summit on KZSU, 90.1 FM, Stanford CA 94309. Streams live at kzsu.stanford.edu.
Phone Home A.F.A.R.
Ancient-Future.Com Now Mobile Friendly!
A major upgrade to Ancient Future's massive world music education site has been initiated, and the beta version is now live!
How do you navigate the Ancient Future? To answer that age old question, each page has two navigation areas: one at the top for exploring where you are and another below for where you might want to go next.
For world music aficionados, Ancient-Future.Com has a lot of valuable information, educational exercises, and streaming music and video, and now it is even more accessible.
The mobile upgrade is a huge in-house project that has taken many hours away from precious music production time. There is still more to do: the shopping cart needs an expensive upgrade before work can be started to make it mobile friendly. In the meantime, the shopping cart does function on a mobile device in landscape mode with some scrolling. To insure that music production gets the support it deserves in this age of digital disruption, please support the Archive of Future Ancient Recordings financially!
June 2016 Issue
Ancient Future Times: Nearer A.F.A.R., Summer Shows, and Skype Studies Sale
Nearer A.F.A.R.
•New Tracks Added to the Fan Supported Recording Series by Ancient Future
Skype Lesson Sale
•Study in the Comfort of Home with Ancient Future Leader Matthew Montfort
Friday Nights at Open Secret July 8
•Emam Presents World Guitar Pioneer Matthew Montfort and Multi-Instrumentalist Gari Hegedus
Nearer A.F.A.R.
New Tracks Added to the Fan Supported Recording Series by Ancient Future
Bui Huu Nhut and Abbos Kosimov Recording A.F.A.R.. Photos by Michael Braden
6/16/16 Update Adds Six New Pieces
On 6/16/16, six new pieces and a video make their debut in the fan funded Archive of Future Ancient Recordings, which gives supporters access to Ancient Future recordings as they are created. There are four new tracks, two of which feature two compositions, the first serving as an introduction to the second. There are now 13 tracks totaling 86 minutes and 51 seconds of music in the archive. Two of the new tracks are live versions of pieces originally recorded during Ancient Future's major label days, and two are brand new studio tracks, including Ancient Future's first ever cover of a popular song, a world fusion version of Jimi Hendrix's Purple Haze showcasing Bui Huu Nhut on Vietnamese dan bau, a one string instrument with a whammy bar! The piece also features Uzbeki percussion master Abbos Kosimov, who performs frequently with tabla phenom Zakir Hussain, and it is the very first studio recording featuring Matthew Montfort on his Godin Glissentar fretless guitar.
Tres Tarantas Tres (Montfort. 4:32). Based on the flamenco form Tarantas, but with a rhythmic structure of three groups of three, this piece also makes a foray into impressionism ala Eric Satie. Lineup: Matthew Montfort (flamenco guitar).
Gamarock (Montfort. 12:10). Recorded live 4/29/15, this piece from Dreamchaser fuses Balinese gamelan with rock and roll. Lineup: Matthew Montfort (scalloped fretboard guitars), Vishal Nagar (tabla), Jason Everett (7 string fretless bass).
Prelude/Bookenka (Montfort/Doug McKeehan 6:50). Recorded 10/16/13 at the World Without Walls Reunion Concert at the Freight & Salvage. Lineup: Matthew Montfort (scalloped fretboard guitar), Doug McKeehan (piano), Kash Killion (bass), Ian Dogole (percussion), Mariah Parker (santur), Jim Hurley (violin).
Purple Nam/Purple Haze (Montfort/Jimi Hendrix. 4:44). A Vietnamese version of Montfort's Purple Raga sets up an adventurous excursion into Hendrix's classic rock piece with Vietnamese dan bau instead of electric guitar. Lineup: Bui Huu Nhut (dan bau), Matthew Montfort (Godin Glissentar fretless 11 string guitar, fretless bass), Abbos Kosimov (Uzbeki percussion), Mariah Parker (keys).
The concept of the Archive of Future Ancient Recordings (A.F.A.R.) is to involve fans of world fusion music in supporting the production of an archive of live and studio recordings of cross cultural collaborations. The best of these recordings will be selected to be released commercially at a "future" date, at which point they will be on their way to becoming "ancient" recordings, hence the title.
Because forces within the tech industry seeking to profit from free content have destroyed financial support for music by promoting the meme that free music is good for musicians, recordings have gone from being a source of income to an expense. Their argument is that musicians gain exposure and will make money playing concerts. However, concert attendance has not increased just because music is available free, and because so many extremely famous musicians no longer make money from their recordings, they now have to be on the road most of the year to make a living. This has driven down performance fees and made it harder to book viable concert tours for unusual acts like Ancient Future.
Ancient Future is dedicated to the idea that cross-cultural collaboration can help to create a better world, and now more than ever needs your help to continue to create world fusion music. To finance A.F.A.R., Ancient-Future.Com Records has been providing financial supporters access to select files from Ancient Future's archives of alternate takes, live concerts and radio performances along with new studio recordings as they are created. To date, 18% of the fundraising goal has been raised at concerts, on Ancient-Future.Com, and through the Ancient Future Times. The full archive of recordings is available during the project exclusively to supporters, and when the archive is complete, a portion of the recordings will be selected for commercial release on Ancient-Future.Com Records.
There are four supporter thank-you packages available ranging from $15 to $75, and while donations to the A.F.A.R. project are not currently tax deductible, donations of any amount are greatly appreciated! There are a range of benefits for the various packages, including the A.F.A.R. email newsletter, immediate access to downloads of the recordings placed in the archives, digital liner notes, limited edition CD-R's of the archives when complete, video and 24 bit audio files for hi-res playback on computers, and a 30% discount on the advance copies of the final commercial release. Please do what you can to support the music. Detailed information on the various supporter packages and the benefits included can be found at www.ancient-future.com/afar.html.
Live Video of New A.F.A.R. Track
Watch video on Ethnocloud
A live medley of Prelude and Bookenka (The Adventurer), which was originally recorded on Ancient Future's Asian Fusion release,has been added to the Archive of Future Ancient Recordings. Fans can check it out on Ethnocloud at 720p now, and then get it in full resolution beautifully shot HD 1080p video and rich 96-kHz/24-bit audio as a thank-you for becoming a hi-res supporter of A.F.A.R.!
Skype Lesson Sale
Study in the Comfort of Home with
Ancient Future Leader Matthew Montfort
Guitar Player Magazine Feature on Matthew Montfort Plus Online Lesson (1.4 MB pdf).
Matthew Montfort is now offering all styles and levels of guitar instruction as well as lessons on any of the subjects on the Ancient-Future.Com world music education web site via Skype and other web conferencing services. Instruction is tailored to the individual needs of the student.
Montfort wrote the book Ancient Traditions – Future Possibilities: Rhythmic Training Through the Traditions of Africa, Bali, and India, which has been used by many musicians to improve their rhythm skills on their instrument of choice. For all instruments and voice, instruction and coaching is also available on improvisation, solo development, rhythm training, reading Western notation, reading Indian notation, composition, music theory, record production, and world music forms such as Balinese gamelan, West African polyrhythms, Indian raga and tala, Arabic maqam, and Latin rhythms.
Guitar lessons are available in any style ranging from folk, jazz, blues, rock, and classical, to world music forms including flamenco, Indian, Arabic, and African music. Instruction including instrumental technique is also available for bass, fretless bass, mandolin, ukulele, sitar, charango and other unusual plucked instruments.
Music lessons make an excellent gift, and introductory sale rates on individual Skype lessons are being offered for a limited time. For further information, visit www.matthewmontfort.com or send an email to info@ancient-future.com.
Summer Skype Sale
30 Minute Skype Lesson. Normally $50. Sale $40. Buy 1 Now.
45 Minute Skype Lesson. Normally $65. Sale $50. Buy 1 Now.
60 Minute Skype Lesson. Normally $75. Sale $60. Buy 1 Now.
Custom private online lesson via Skype or other video conferencing service. If desired, the time can be split between an email or phone consultation, creation of a custom .pdf of the lesson plan with written music, and a private Skype session.
Recommended Training Manual
Ancient Traditions – Future Possibilities: Rhythmic Training Through the Traditions of Africa, Bali and India by Matthew Montfort (Ancient Future Music, 1985. ISBN 0-937879-00-2). Sale $52.95. Buy 1 Now. A must-have for all students of world music, plus there is an additional discount on a Skype lesson with your online purchase at Ancient-Future.Com!
Friday Nights at Open Secret July 8
Emam Presents World Guitar Pioneer Matthew Montfort and
Multi-Instrumentalist Gari Hegedus
Friday Nights World Music at Open Secret is a new music series produced and presented by Emam, who performs with each artist on the series.
Gari Hegedus (AKA Gary Haggerty) has been performing traditional music from Ireland, Scotland, France, Turkey, the Middle East and North Africa for the past twenty years. Gari performs on a wide range of traditional instruments including oud, violin, Turkish saz, and mandocello. Matthew Montfort is a world guitar pioneer and leader of Ancient Future. Emam has been trained in North Indian Classical drumming by the grand masters of tabla: Ustad Alla Rakha and Ustad Zakir Hussain and also studied the Delhi Gharana of tabla with the late Ustad Inam Ali Khan. Emam will perform on tabla and dumbak.
Friday July 8, 2016, 8 PM
Open Secret Bookstore
923 C St.
San Rafael CA
Info: 415-457-4191
Tix: $20 donation at the door. No one will be turned away for lack of funds!
April 2016 Issue
Ancient Future Times: Spring Shows and Skype Studies Sale
Ancient Future at Willits Community Theatre April 3
•Featuring World Guitar Pioneer Matthew Montfort and Tabla Virtuoso Vishal Nagar
Ancient Future at Occidental Center for the Arts April 9
•Featuring World Guitar Pioneer Matthew Montfort, Tabla Virtuoso Vishal Nagar, and Pianist/Santurist Mariah Parker
Mariah Parker's Indo Latin Jazz Ensemble at Throckmorton Theatre April 30
•Featuring Mariah Parker (Piano, Santur), Paul McCandless (Woodwinds), Matthew Montfort (Guitar), Ian Dogole (Global Percussion), Brian Rice (Latin Percussion), Kash Killion (Bass, Cello), and Special Guest Michaelle Goerlitz (Latin Percussion)
Ancient Future at Willits Community Theatre April 3
Debut Mendocino Performance with Montfort's New Scalloped Fretboard Guitar
of Matthew Montfort and Vishal Nagar by Michael Braden.
Watch Ethnocloud video. Stream Ethnocloud audio.
Featuring World Guitar Pioneer Matthew Montfort and Tabla Virtuoso Vishal Nagar
Sunday April 3, 2016, 7 PM
Willits Community Theatre
37 West Van Lane
Willits CA
Tix: $15.
Info: wct@willitsonline.com
Press Release. Poster (138k pdf).
Matthew Montfort's New Custom Martin Scalloped Fretboard Guitar
of scalloped fretboard guitar by Alan Perlman
Scalloped fretboard guitar pioneer Matthew Montfort's new custom guitar is the result of a collaboration between Montfort, the Artist Relations Department of C.F. Martin & Co., and San Francisco luthier Alan Perlman. It features an extra upper bout sound hole and a very large sound hole to add volume, a cutaway with extra frets for extended playing range, and a short scale yet wide neck for greater string bending capability.
Recommended Recording Featuring Matthew Montfort and Vishal Nagar
Yearning for the Wind by Ancient Future (Ancient-Future.Com AF-90352). Sale $10. Buy 1 Now. "Matthew is joined by Vishal Nagar on tabla, and they clearly show (sonically) the joy than can be achieved by well-placed and strictly focused music. The tabla percussion makes it far more than 'just another raga'." — Dick Metcalf, ZZAJ PRODUCTIONS
Ancient Future at Occidental Center for the Arts April 9
Debut Sonoma Performance with Montfort's New Scalloped Fretboard Guitar
Photo of Mariah Parker, Matthew Montfort, and Vishal Nagar by Devki.
Featuring Matthew Montfort (Guitars), Vishal Nagar (Tabla), and Mariah Parker (Santur)
Saturday, April 9, 2016, 8 PM
Occidental Center for the Arts
3850 Doris Murphy Ct. (Bohemian Hwy. at Graton Rd.)
Occidental CA 95465
Tix: $22 advance/$25 door.
Info: Call 707-874-9392 or email info@occidentalcenterforthearts.org.
Press Release. Poster (138k pdf).
Recommended Recording Featuring Matthew Montfort, Vishal Nagar, and Mariah Parker
The Archive of Future Ancient Recordings by Ancient Future (Ancient-Future.Com AF-2030). Fan funded. $15 up. Support Now. Ancient Future's fan funded recording project has 10 tracks and over an hour of music in it so far, with four more tracks to be added next month, and supporters of the archive can purchase a limited edition CD of all of these tracks, appropriately titled A.F.A.R. So Far.
Mariah Parker's Indo Latin Jazz Ensemble at Throckmorton Theatre April 30
Pre-Release Concert for Live Recording Project
Featuring Mariah Parker (Piano, Santur), Paul McCandless (Woodwinds), Matthew Montfort (Guitar), Ian Dogole (Global Percussion), Brian Rice (Latin Percussion), Kash Killion (Bass, Cello), and Special Guest Michaelle Goerlitz (Latin Percussion)
Saturday, April 30, 2016, 8:00 PM
Throckmorton Theatre
142 Throckmorton Avenue
Mill Valley, California
Tix: $20 in advance, $25 at the door, $35 reserved seating
Info: 415-383-9600.
Mariah Parker's Indo Latin Jazz Ensemble performs 'Milo's Moment.'
Watch on YouTube.
Recommended Recording Featuring Mariah Parker's Indo Latin Jazz Ensemble
Sangria by Mariah Parker (Ancient-Future.Com AF 2017). Sale $10. Buy 1 Now. "Parker and friends blend the rhythmic syncopations of Latin jazz music with the entrancing, asymmetrical meters of East Indian rhythms resulting in first-class world music." — LATIN BEAT MAGAZINE
January 2016 Issue
Ancient Future Times: New Scalloped Fretboard Guitar, New Tracks A.F.A.R., New Concerts
Matthew's Got a Brand New Axe!
•Custom Martin with Fretboard Scalloped by Alan Perlman
Ancient Future Bay Area Concerts
•Debut Performances with Matthew Montfort's New Scalloped Fretboard Guitar
- Castle Concert in Pacifica
•Saturday, January 23, 6 PM - Dinner Concert at Fenix in San Rafael
•Sunday, January 24, 6:30 PM - Performers and Special Guests
•Matthew Montfort, Vishal Nagar, Mariah Parker, Georges Lammam, Jason Everett, Mindia Devi Klein
Expanding A.F.A.R.
•2 More Live Tracks & 2 Studio Tracks Recorded: Funds Needed for Licensing Costs
Ancient Future in Your Home Town
•Send Us the Names of Presenters in Your Area
Matthew's Got a Brand New Axe!
Hi-Res Photo of Martin guitar by Alan Perlman (3.6 MB)
Custom Martin with Fretboard Scalloped by Alan Perlman
Matthew Montfort is a pioneer of the scalloped fretboard guitar, an instrument with a modified fretboard in which the wood between frets has been carved out in order to facilitate intricate note-bending ornaments. His new custom guitar is the result of a collaboration between Montfort, Dick Boak of the Artist Relations Department of C.F. Martin & Co., and San Francisco luthier Alan Perlman. Dick Boak has been involved in the conception of more than one hundred and forty signature guitar collaborations with the top musical talents of our time. Starting in 2014, he worked with Montfort to help design the instrument, which features a very large sound hole to add volume, an extra upper bout sound hole so that Montfort can hear the guitar better, a cutaway with extra frets protruding into the sound hole to accommodate his extended playing range, and a short scale yet wide neck to allow for greater string bending capability. Master luthier Alan Perlman scalloped the fretboard and added other finishing touches to complete this amazing instrument.
The new guitar will be featured on new tracks to be recorded for the Archive of Future Ancient Recordings and at the upcoming San Francisco Bay Area concerts, one of which streams live so it is possible to tune in anywhere in the world.
Ancient Future Bay Area Concerts
Debut Performances with New Scalloped Fretboard Guitar
Blending ancient world music traditions from fiery flamenco to resonant raga with the contemporary colors of jazz and rock, this variation of the world fusion music group Ancient Future features world guitar pioneer Matthew Montfort, renowned Indian tabla virtuoso Vishal Nagar, and composer/santurist Mariah Parker plus special guests performing new music and favorites from the band's eight ground breaking recordings. These concerts will be Matthew Montfort's debut performances on his brand new custom Martin scalloped fretboard guitar.
Castle Concert in Pacifica
YouTube Video of 'Yearning for the Wind' by Ancient Future
Featuring Matthew Montfort (Guitars), Vishal Nagar (Tabla), Mariah Parker (Santur), and Special Guest Georges Lammam (Violin)
This intimate evening of music at the beautiful and historic Mazza Castle in Pacifica includes a pre-concert gathering with wine and refreshments! Arabic violin master Georges Lammam is the resident artist for the concert series, and plans to sit in on a few of his favorite pieces from his many performances with the band.
Saturday, January 23, 6 PM
The Mazza Castle
900 Mirador Terrace
Pacifica CA
Adm: $40 per guest, includes wine and refreshments.
Limited to 45 seats.
6 PM - Gather with refreshments. Music begins promptly at 7 PM.
Info: Call 650-355-0272
Tour Press Release
Dinner Concert at Fenix in San Rafael
Featuring Matthew Montfort (Guitars), Vishal Nagar (Tabla), Mariah Parker (Santur), and Special Guests Jason Everett (Seven-String Fretless Bass) and Mindia Devi Klein (Bansuri Flute)
Seattle area bassist Jason Everett, who performed on Ancient Future's 2015 Pacific Northwest tour, is passing through and will round out the bottom. Original Ancient Future flutist Mindia Devi Klein will sit in on a few tunes, including a new piece to be recorded for the next Ancient Future album.
The Fenix is a sought-after stage crafted by world-renowned acoustic designer John Storyk (Jazz at Lincoln Center) for accomplished musicians from all over the world. The menu features Southern cuisine with a healthy twist from Executive Chef Glenn "Gator" Thompson.
Sunday, January 24, 6:30 to 9 PM
919 Fourth Street
San Rafael CA
Adm: $20 adv./$25 door plus dinner
Tour Press Release
Concert Poster (150k pdf)
Performers and Special Guests
Matthew Montfort (scalloped fretboard and fretless guitars)
Matthew Montfort is the leader of Ancient Future. He has expanded boundaries of guitar playing through the study world music traditions and released two solo guitar recordings: Seven Serenades for Scalloped Fretboard Guitar and Sympathetic Serenade, for which he is recognized as one of the world's 100 Greatest Acoustic Guitarists by DigitalDreamDoor.com. Montfort wrote the book Ancient Traditions – Future Possibilities: Rhythmic Training Through the Traditions of Africa, Bali, and India, which has been used by many musicians to improve their rhythm skills. He teaches all styles of guitar, ukulele, bass, charango, sitar, and mandolin as well as music theory for all instruments and rhythm classes based on his book at his studio in San Rafael, California, and online via Skype.
Solo Recordings by Matthew Montfort
Seven Serenades for Scalloped Fretboard Guitar by Matthew Montfort. (Ancient-Future.Com AF 2008). "When this level of mastery is reached, there is no need to rewrite. The first improvisation has the depth of a reworked composition." — Teed Rockwell, INDIA CURRENTS
Sympathetic Serenade by Matthew Montfort. (Ancient-Future.Com AF 2012). "An expression of solo virtuosity on a variant axe which isn't employed by very many. Brilliant modern semi-neoclassical work with very strong ties to the traditional residing within progressive annals." — Mark S. Tucker, FAME
Vishal Nagar (tabla)
"He has magic in his hands" - Hindustan Times
Vishal Nagar is considered one of the most gifted tabla players of his generation. Born into a family of musicians, Vishal had his initial training with the late Ustad Latif Ahmed Khan of the Delhi Gharana and continued under the guidance of Ustad Shamim Ahmed Khan. He also has had intense rhythmic training from his mother, the renowned Kathak dancer and vocalist, Urmila Nagar. Starting his performance career at the age of eight,Vishal has been praised in the Indian press for his unique combination of melodic tabla sound production with masterful command of rhythm and has also been awarded with the Ministry of Culture Scholarship from the Department of Culture.
Ancient Future Recording Featuring Vishal Nagar
Yearning for the Wind by Ancient Future. (Ancient-Future.Com AF-90352). "Matthew is joined by Vishal Nagar on tabla, and they clearly show (sonically) the joy than can be achieved by well-placed and strictly focused music. The tabla percussion makes it far more than 'just another raga'." — Dick Metcalf, ZZAJ PRODUCTIONS
Mariah Parker (composer, santur)
Mariah Parker, while completing her degree in music at UC Santa Cruz, worked with ethnomusicologist Fred Lieberman and Mickey Hart on the “Planet Drum” project. The CD release party for her first solo recording as a composer, Sangria (Ancient-Future.Com AF 2017), drew a full house at the famous Yoshi's Jazz Club in Oakland. The band she leads featuring such veteran performers as Paul McCandless of the group Oregon has performed to rave reviews at notable festivals and concert venues. Her live album will be released in 2016.
Indo Latin Jazz Recording by Mariah Parker
Sangria by Mariah Parker (Ancient-Future.Com AF 2017). "Parker and friends blend the rhythmic syncopations of Latin jazz music with the entrancing, asymmetrical meters of East Indian rhythms resulting in first-class world music." — LATIN BEAT MAGAZINE
Georges Lammam (Arabic violin)
The second of three brothers who are professional musicians, Georges Lammam was born in Beirut, Lebanon. He lived for 14 years in the United Arab Emirates and is well-known in the Middle East as well as the U.S.A. as a master violinist excelling in improvisation and lyricism. Having performed with the most well-known singers of the Middle East, his reputation as an instrumental accompanist with a strong command of maqamat precedes him. He is on the faculty of the Near East Music and Dance Camp in Mendocino.
Ancient Future Recording Featuring Georges Lammam
Planet Passion by Ancient Future (Ancient-Future.Com AF 2010). "If the members of the United Nations formed a world-fusion band, it might look and sound a little something like Ancient Future’s re-issue of their seventh recording." — Ryan Allen, LEO WEEKLY, Louisville, Kentucky
Jason Everett (seven-string fretless bass)
Jason Everett performs on his custom Conklin seven-string fretless bass guitar. He attended Northern Arizona University on a full scholarship for music and started playing professional gigs at sixteen years old. He was originally inspired to explore world music after hearing Quiet Fire, Ancient Future's third album. This passion for world music evolved to avid listening to the works of Indian masters like Ali Akbar Khan, Ravi Shankar, and Zakir Hussain. Jason started his own world fusion group in 1990 called Tal Maya and has since played with many well-known Indian, Arabic, flamenco, and fusion artists including Andre Feriante and John Wubbenhorst and Facing East.
Mindia Devi Klein (bansuri flute)
Ancient Future cofounder Mindia Devi Klein is an award winning musician, composer and educator. She sings and performs on bansuri (classical bamboo flute of India), silver flute, Balinese gamelan (bamboo, bronze, and wood tuned percussion). She is a disciple of Indian classical music legend Ustad Ali Akbar Khan. She began her training in Indian classical music at age 19 at the Ali Akbar College of music in San Rafael, California. While at the college she also studied under bansuri maestro Pandit G.S. Sachdev and world renown tabla master Ustad Zakir Hussain. Mindia was awarded a Fulbright Scholarship in Balinese gamelan music and spent a year studying gamelan in Bali.
Original Ancient Future Recordings Featuring Mindia Devi Klein
Visions of a Peaceful Planet by Ancient Future (Ancient-Future.Com AF 2004). "The first thing that makes this LP a delight is the magnificence of the instrumental blending...the Bansuri flute of Klein over a harmonic bed of sitar, tabla, sarod, zither, and tanpura; great stuff sounds like a dove whistling in a forest of stringed instruments." — Philip Elwood, SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE
Natural Rhythms by Ancient Future (Ancient-Future.Com AF 2005). "One of the most intriguing albums you're ever likely to hear. Exceptionally beautiful." — Colorblind James, S. F. MUSIC CALENDAR
Expanding A.F.A.R.
2 More Live Tracks & 2 Studio Tracks Recorded: Funds Needed for Licensing Costs
The Archive of Future Ancient Recordings by Ancient Future. (Ancient-Future.Com AF-2030)
The Archive of Future Ancient Recordings, Ancient Future's fan funded recording project, has 10 tracks and over an hour of music in it so far, and supporters of the archive can purchase a limited edition CD of all of these tracks, appropriately titled A.F.A.R. So Far.
Another four tracks have been recorded, mixed, and mastered for the archive. To add the new tracks, we need to finalize the licensing fee for Ancient Future's first ever and very unique cover of a popular song, but that has proven to be a difficult project because the rights holders don't answer inquiries. This means we are going to have to issue a compulsory license, which means additional paperwork and legal expense. The time spent trying to reach them has caused a delay in our upgrade plans, and now we also need to raise some additional funds to pay for the licensing and filing fees.
The new tracks recorded will represent a 40% expansion of the project! 17% of the funding goal has been raised, which is substantial, but we need additional supporters to finish the project. And if you are already a supporter, you can still upgrade until each supporter level is sold out. We also have just a few CDs left of the last version of the archive that will fit on one CD. This is the last chance to get one of these CDs, and it's on sale at a reduced price of only $15 once you are a supporter of the project! Because the archive will soon not fit on a CD, the next A.F.A.R. CD offering will be The Best of A.F.A.R. So Far and won't have all of the tracks that have been added to the archive.
Please become a supporter at one of the levels below, starting at just $15. Once you become a supporter, you will receive all of the tracks in the archive (and all of the tracks that will be added in the future), and you will be eligible to buy the CD-R. Only a very few copies of each edition of A.F.A.R. So Far are made, as new tracks are added as money is raised.
Recording Newsletter. $15 (receive 128 kbps downloads): Subscribe @ $15. Download Supporter. $25 (320 kbps downloads): Subscribe @ $25. Limited Edition CD Sponsor. $50 (all previous plus CD quality audio): Subscribe @ $50. Honorary A & R Representative. $75 (all previous plus video and 24 bit audio): Subscribe @ $75. Donor VIP. Make Additional Donation. A.F.A.R. So Far CD-R. $20 Additional. Sale $15. Buy CD-R Now.
Ancient Future in Your Home Town
YouTube Video of Ancient Future World Without Walls Reunion Concert, October 16, 2013
Suggest Your Favorite Home Town Venue
Do you live in an area where Ancient Future never seems to tour? Ancient Future is available to perform anywhere in the world. The catch is that we need a budget to pay for the travel costs and musician honorariums. If you know of a concert presenter or festival with a budget for travel, you can help by sending their contact information to info@ancient-future.com. It is important that you also reach out to the concert presenter and suggest that Ancient Future perform. Examples of concert presenters that may have travel budgets from time to time can include major festivals, university fine arts concert programs, publicly funded fine arts venues, and corporate events.
While it will take quite some time to arrange a concert tour to your area, you can tune into a live concert stream of Ancient Future's show from the Fenix on January 24 at 6:30 PM Pacific Time.