Ancient Traditions - Future Possibilities:
Rhythmic Training Through the Traditions of Africa, Bali and India
by Matthew Montfort

Kentfield: Ancient Future Music, 1985. ISBN 0-937879-00-2.
Comb Bound Book- $46.95 (SALE $33.95):
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Companion Enhanced Audio CD- $39.95 (SALE $28.95):
Book/Enhanced Audio CD Set- $74.95 (SALE $53.95):
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New! Companion MIDI/MP3 Download- $34.95 (SALE 24.95):
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New Best Buy! Book & MIDI/MP3 Download- $69.95 (SALE $49.95):
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Online Training from Ancient Traditions
World Rhythm Training: (online world music training)
Africa (West African polyrhythm exercises & MIDI files)
Bali (Balinese gamelan exercises & MIDI files)
India (North and South Indian tala exercises & MIDI files)
Fusion (fusion exercises and MIDI files from the Future Possibilities chapter)
Skype Lessons (private online lessons with the author)
World Rhythm Training Manual
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Ancient Traditions – Future Possibilities: Rhythmic Training Through the Traditions of Africa, Bali and India. By Matthew Montfort. Kentfield: Ancient Future Music, 1985. ISBN 0-937879-00-2. Comb Bound Book- $46.95 (SALE $33.95): Add 1 to Cart. Buy 1 Now. Best Buy! Book and Companion Audio Guide/MIDI Groove Track CD/CD-ROM Set- $74.95 (SALE $53.95): Add 1 to Cart. Buy 1 Now. New Best Buy! Book & Audio Guide/MIDI Download- $69.95 (SALE $49.95): Add 1 to Cart. Buy 1 Now.
Ancient Traditions – Future Possibilities is the "world beat bible" by the leader of the popular world fusion music ensemble, Ancient Future. The book takes the student on a musical voyage through these great ancient rhythmic traditions with a series of exercises that require no instruments to perform. Interesting, imaginative and fun, these rhythm exercises will be of immense help to all musicians, useful for both home study and in the classroom.
The author, Matthew Montfort, holds an M.A. in World Music from Antioch University. He has drawn on his years of study with the master musicians of Africa, Bali and India to create this world rhythm training manual.
- Optional set of audio tracks with MIDI files on CD-ROM or as downloads
- A must for all music students, teachers, and professional musicians
- Not just for percussionists
- Develops refined rhythmic skills
- Excellent reference work
- Enables home study of non-Western rhythms, eliminating costly trips around the globe
- Stimulates new ideas for composers
- Enough exercises for years of study
- Perfect textbook for multi-cultural musicianship courses
- Convenient plastic comb binding
- Table of Contents
Ancient Traditions – Future Possibilities: Audio Guide and MIDI Groove Tracks
NEW! Complete Companion Set Now Available as Downloads or on CD/CD-ROM:
A.T.F.P. Audio Guide Tracks: Volume I: Ch. 1-2, West Africa/Bali
A.T.F.P. Audio Guide Tracks: Volume II: Ch. 3-4, India/Future Possibilities
Ancient Rhythms – Future Grooves: MIDI Percussion Groove Tracks
Ancient Traditions – Future Possibilities: Audio Guide and MIDI Groove Tracks from the Traditions of Africa, Bali, and India. V. 4.0. By Matthew Montfort. Ancient Future Music (AF-0001, 2005. V 4.0, 2017). Companion Audio Guide/MIDI Groove Tracks 2 Volume CD/CD-ROM Set- $39.95 (SALE 28.95): Add 1 to Cart. Buy 1 Now. New! MP3 Guide/MIDI Groove Tracks Download Set- $34.95 (SALE 24.95): Add 1 to Cart. Buy 1 Now.
This complete set of audio guide and MIDI groove tracks of the exercises in Ancient Traditions – Future Possibilities is the result of many years of work in production. West African drum music, Balinese gamelan, and Indian tala are oral traditions. These sound files make it possible to add the traditional element of learning by ear to the practice of the exercises from the book. The new downloads are set up for playback on Mac and PC computers, tablets, and smartphones.
The MIDI groove tracks will playback in MIDI compatible web browsers. For greater control, load them into a MIDI sequencer to change the tempo (try half speed for initial practice), listen to individual parts, or remap the sounds to different MIDI instruments. The MIDI groove tracks also make creative starting points for producing unique rhythm tracks incorporating African, Balinese, and Indian rhythms.
The 2 CD/CD-ROM set includes 115 audio guide tracks for easy playback on CD players and 128 MIDI groove tracks on a CD-ROM session for Mac or PC systems. The new download version features all the same material in mp3 audio and MIDI file format for playback on computers, tablets, and smartphones.
- 128 MIDI groove tracks of world rhythms for computer playback (hear FREE examples)
- Polyrhythmic grooves such as four against seven
- West African 12/8 and 8/8 grooves
- Balinese rice pounding grooves
- Repertoire from three different Balinese gamelan ensembles
- South Indian mridangam grooves (solkattu compositions)
- North Indian tabla grooves (theka and tihai compositions)
- Great aid for musicians who play by ear
- Play along to check progress
- General MIDI files playback in a web browser
- Compatible with any sequencer that supports Standard MIDI Files:
- Playback in a sequencer enables looping tracks, tempo changes, and soloing of individual parts
- Use as rhythm tracks for audio productions
- Includes MIDI maps of West African drums, Balinese gamelan, mridangam, and tabla for synths, samplers, and VSTi plug-ins
- Load included tabla samples into a sample playback device to make a tabla machine
- Video documentary on the history of world fusion music
- CD version includes two CD set with 115 audio guide tracks for CD players and CD-ROM session for Mac or PC
- Download version delivers the mp3 audio guide and MIDI groove tracks in .zip folders for computers, tablets, and smartphones
NEW: Download MIDI Groove Tracks Only
Ancient Rhythms – Future Grooves: MIDI Percussion Groove Tracks from the Traditions of Africa, Bali, and India. Version 4.0. By Matthew Montfort. Ancient Future Music (1997. V. 4.0 2017). MIDI File Download- $24.95 (SALE 17.95): Add 1 to Cart. Buy 1 Now.
- 128 MIDI groove files of world rhythms
- Load "index.html" file into a web browser for mobile friendly presentation with:
- Full instructions
- MIDI maps of West African drums, Balinese gamelan, mridangam, and tabla for use with synthesizers, samplers, or VSTi plug-ins
- Video documentary on the history of world fusion music
- Delivered as a .zip download folder
- For Mac and PC:
- Unzip with an archiving utility such as Stuffit Expander
- Load the "index.html" file into a browser
- General MIDI files playback in a web browser
- Load MIDI files into a MIDI sequencer to:
- Loop tracks
- Change tempos
- Solo individual parts
- Use as rhythm tracks for audio productions
- Use included MIDI maps to re-map sounds to synthesizers, samplers, or VSTi plug-ins
- Load included tabla samples to a sample playback device to make a tabla machine
- For tablets and smartphones:
- Unzip with a file manager app such as Documents 6 for iOS or AndroZip for Android
- Unzip in iCloud (iOS), Google Drive, Dropbox, or your local storage
- Load the "index.html" file directly from the unzipped folder into a browser:
- iOS: Safari can't open local .html files, so upload to iCloud, Google Drive, or Dropbox and unzip with Documents 6, which has its own browser. iOS doesn't support MIDI files natively, so open them in a MIDI playback app
- Android: Open in Browser facilitates opening local .html files in Chrome instead of the limited default HTML viewer
- Load MIDI files into a MIDI playback app such as Sweet MIDI Player for iOS or MIDI Voyager for Android to:
- Loop tracks
- Change tempos
- Solo individual parts
NEW: Download MP3 Audio Guide Tracks Only
Ancient Traditions – Future Possibilities: MP3 Audio Guide Tracks. By Matthew Montfort. Ancient Future Music (2005). Companion MP3 Audio Guide Tracks Download- $24.95 (SALE 17.95): Add 1 to Cart. Buy 1 Now.
- 115 mp3 audio guide tracks of the exercises in Ancient Traditions – Future Possibilities
- Includes printable .pdf booklets:
- A.T.F.P Audio Guide Tracks CD Booklet: Wrap around CD booklet with instructions for burning CDs if desired
- A.T.F.P Audio Guide Track List: Names, durations, tempo settings, and book page numbers for all 115 audio guide tracks
- Delivered in three .zip download folders:
- Volume I covers the exercises in Chapter 1, West Africa, and Chapter 2, Bali
- Volume II A covers the South Indian exercises in Chapter 3, India
- Volume II B covers the North Indian exercises in Chapter 3, India, and Chapter 4, Future Possibilities
- Mac and PC:
- Unzip with an archiving utility such as Stuffit Expander
- Store all of the unzipped download folders in one master folder for easy access and to enable the intra-folder hyperlinks
- Open "vol_i.html" from the "ATFP_Audio_Guide_Vol_I" folder in a browser
- For tablets and smartphones:
- Unzip with a file manager app such Documents 6 for iOS or AndroZip for Android
- Unzip in iCloud (iOS), Google Drive, Dropbox, or your local storage
- Store all of the unzipped download folders in one master folder
- Open the .mp3 files located in the chapter sub folders (i.e., "Ch_1_Africa") in a playback app such as iTunes or Google Play
- Open one of the .html files directly from its unzipped download folder in a browser:
- iOS: Safari can't open local .html files, so upload to iCloud, Google Drive, or Dropbox and unzip with Documents 6, which has its own browser
- Android: Open in Browser facilitates opening local .html files in Chrome instead of the limited default HTML viewer
- If .html files prove problematic, go to the "Docs" sub folder in the "ATFP_Audio_Guide_Vol_I" folder and open "Instructions.txt" and "ATFP_Audio_Guide_Track_List.pdf" in an appropriate app
Skype School
Further instruction on this material is available through private Skype lessons with the author, Matthew Montfort.
The Quotes
"A very useful contribution to musical scholarship."
–Lou Harrison (1917-2003), prominent composer and founder of the American gamelan movement
"You've heard Afro-Pop, sitar, gamelan and world music for years. But do you know what they are and how they work? Better yet, would you like to play those twisted cross-rhythms and melodies? In Ancient Traditions – Future Possibilities, Matthew Montfort, a founding member of the world music band Ancient Future, has put together the book for people who want to dig into world music with both hands. The first section of the book covers traditional music of West Africa, Bali and India with theories and exercises. Wherever possible, Montfort has provided beat counts alongside the standard musical notation so even if you can't read music, you can still learn the rhythms. The last section of the book mixes patterns from different cultures, demonstrating the powerful music these simple exercises can generate."
– Richard Kadrey, San Francisco Chronicle
"A hands-on exploration of Balinese, African, and Indian rhythms that should appeal to all musicians. One needn't play percussion instruments, or any instruments at all, for that matter, to use and benefit from the book."
– Drums and Drumming
"A very practical manual. There is enough material to keep interested musicians busy for years. Montfort has done a great service for western musicians interested in world music. A pleasure to work with."
– Option
"Very highly recommended for any instrumentalists hoping to expand their rhythmic horizons. If you've never investigated the beautiful clash of African polyrhythm, the incredible interlocking textures of Balinese music, or the complex metric structure of Indian classical music, check out Ancient Traditions – it will blow your mind and deepen your groove."
– Guitar Player
"If you're tired of programming your drum machine with the same old 4/4 back-beat, or you want to sharpen your rhythmic chops, this book is highly recommended."
– Electronic Musician
"An excellent book for use in percussion technique sessions or other classroom situations. The descriptive material is lucidly written and is aimed at a novice."
– Percussive Notes
"Not just a book about world music, but a guide book on how to create it. Sections include styles of Northern and Southern India, West Africa and Balinese gamelan. In the 'Future Possibilities' section, you see how to combine styles into something new, weird and beautiful."
– Covert Culture Sourcebook
"Offers a series of enjoyable exercises based on authentic rhythms and mnemonic found in the featured cultures. Appropriate for grade 3+ though adult expert, all can be performed using hands, voice, body or desks, cans, etc. or traditional instruments."
– World Music at West Music
"A friendly yet serious appetizer on three of the most sophisticated rhythm systems on earth; a chance to work on your rhythmic sight reading; a three-culture dip with matching mp3s for your ears; a gateway to exotic spices, complete with MIDI files, for your songwriting or drumming; or a fun way to organically digest complex time signatures. No matter how you slice it, this scholarly labor of love is packed with rich flavors for those patient enough to harvest them."
– E.E. Bradman, Bass Player Magazine