Natural Rhythms
by Ancient Future

Ancient-Future.Com AF 2005. CDR- $19.98.
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Featured Sound File
Frogorian Dance. >YTmusic.
Ancient Future's classic second album was reissued on CD to rave reviews by Philo/Rounder in 1994 to commemorate 15 years of Ancient Future history. The reissue made The Beat magazine's World Music Top 10 of 1994 List (#4). Upon its initial release on LP Natural Rhythms received two 1984 N.A.I.R.D. "Indie" awards in the fields of World Music and Album Cover Design.
Making their debut on Natural Rhythms are the remarkable and delightful frogs of Bali, Indonesia, and
the Valley of the Moon, California, featured in live improvisations
with the members of Ancient Future. A total of 12 different musicians
contribute their talents, introducing Balinese gamelan, koto,
marimba, and violin to Ancient Future's diverse ensemble. From
the poignant, subtle melodies to compelling rhythms, this album
is a "milestone in world fusion music."
– Genevieve Productions
"One of the most intriguing albums you're ever likely to hear.
Exceptionally beautiful."
– Colorblind James, S. F. Music Calendar
Track List
>YTmusic. (Play all tracks.)
- Hummingbird (Matthew Montfort. 7:36). >YTmusic. Inspired by a hummingbird feeding nearby, flying in time to the music as it was created. Features Matthew Montfort (scalloped fretboard guitar), Benjy Wertheimer (tabla), Mindia Devi Klein (bansuri), Kazuyo Muramoto (koto), and Teja Bell (12-string guitar).
- Frogorian Trance. (Matthew Montfort. 3:23). >YTmusic. The basic tracks of frogs and percussion were recorded live in the rice paddies of Bali. Guitars, gangsas, and flutes were overdubbed. Features Matthew Montfort (kukul, classical guitars, gangsa), Wayan Ludra (kukul), Nyomen Kawiana (kajar), Mindia Devi Klein (silver flute, gangsa), and Balinese rice paddy frogs.
- Frogorian Dance (Ancient Future. 3:38). >YTmusic. Tabla, tinklik, beer cans, and rice paddy frogs jam. Features Matthew Montfort (tinklik, beer can), Benjy Wertheimer (tabla, beer can), Mindia Devi Klein (tinklik), and Balinese rice paddy frogs.
- Frog Orient Chance (Matthew Montfort. 2:29). >YTmusic. The basic tracks of frogs and percussion were recorded live in the rice paddies of Bali. Guitars and gangsas were overdubbed. Features Matthew Montfort (scalloped fretboard guitar, classical guitar, gangsa, kukul), Wayan Ludra (kukul), Nyomen Kawiana (kajar), Mindia Devi Klein (gangsa), and Balinese rice paddy frogs.
- Waves (Mindia Klein. 7:49). >YTmusic. A tribute to the sea. It draws its inspiration from the rhythms of the surf pounding endlessly against the shore. The recording of waves on the North shore of Bali used for this song is available as a real music ringtone at WorldMusicRingtones.Com. Features Matthew Montfort (scalloped fretboard guitar, sitar), Benjy Wertheimer (tabla, esraj), Mindia Devi Klein (bansuri), and Phil Fong (classical guitar, sarod).
- Magic Rain (Matthew Montfort. 1:13). >YTmusic. Dialog between zither and Pacific treee frogs, recorded at the pond in the Valley of the Moon, California, with no overdubs. Features Matthew Montfort (zither), and Pacific tree frogs.
- Fading Dream (Matthew Montfort. 6:40). >YTmusic. Lyrical tune with rock and Indian influences. Features Matthew Montfort (scalloped fretboard guitar), Benjy Wertheimer (tabla, esraj), Mindia Devi Klein (silver flute), and Christina Harmonia (vocal).
- Valley of the Moon (Matthew Montfort. 2:37). >YTmusic. Dialog between zither and Pacific tree frogs, recorded at a pond in Sonoma County, California, with no overdubs. Available as a real music ringtone at WorldMusicRingtones.Com. Features Matthew Montfort (zither), and Pacific tree frogs.
- Somaloka (Matthew Montfort. 5:07). >YTmusic. Sarod, scalloped fretboard guitar, flute, tabla, and marimba play until the moon sets. Features Matthew Montfort (scalloped fretboard guitar), Benjy Wertheimer (tabla), Mindia Devi Klein (silver flute), Jim Loveless (marimba), and Phil Fong (sarod).
- Eleventh Heaven (Benjy Wetheimer. 7:37). >YTmusic. Set in Chartal ki Sawari, an eleven-beat rhythmic cycle of North India. Features Matthew Montfort (scalloped fretboard guitar), Benjy Wertheimer (tabla, esraj), Mindia Devi Klein (silver flute), Phil Fong (classical guitar), Mark Fuller (cymbals), and Jeroen Van Tyn (violin).