Guide to the Syllables
of the Drums of
North and South India

Further study on this subject: Ancient Traditions–Future Possibilities:
Rhythmic Training Through the Traditions of Africa, Bali and India.
By Matthew Montfort. Ancient Future Music (1985).
ISBN 0-937879-00-2. Book/CD Set- 74.95. SALE! $53.95:
Add Book/CD to Cart. Buy Book/CD Now.
30 Minute Online Lesson.
Custom private lesson via Skype or other service. $50. SALE! $40:
Pronunciation Guide
Symbol Pronunciation a (long) as in saw, star a as in up, tub i (long) as in key, feet i as in pin, him u (long) as in room, food u as in put, pull e (long) as in egg, day e as in test o (long) as in so, foe ai as in eye, Thailand au as in crow ch as in chase, avoid aspiration dh aspirated d jh aspirated j jn gy pronounced simultaneously mr mr pronounced simultaneously sr as in shrine th aspirated t ty ty pronounced simultaneously dhy aspirated d and y pronounced simultaneously r in between the English r and d
South Indian Konokol
Syllables Pronunciation da, lan, na, ta, tam, tang long a ka, kita short a dim, ki, mi, ri long i din, di short i dum, gu long u ju short u
North Indian Bols
Syllables Pronunciation dha, na, ta long a ga, ka, kat, ta (kata, kita) short a de, dhe, ge, gen, ke, kre, tre long e re, te, tet short e dhi, di, ki long i dhin, din, ri, ti, tin short i tun long u
Further Resources
Ancient Rhythms–Future Grooves
Ancient Rhythms–Future Grooves: Audio and MIDI Percussion Groove Tracks from the Traditions of Africa, Bali, and India. Want more audio and MIDI files? Get this complete collection of groove tracks from the book Ancient Traditions–Future Possibilities. For a limited time, get both the book and the enhanced audio CD set with MIDI files for only $53.95 (SALE! Normally $74.95): Add 1 to Cart. Buy 1 Now.
Skype School
Further instruction on this material is available through private Skype lessons with the author, Matthew Montfort.