How to Link to the Ancient Future
Thank you for linking to Ancient-Future.Com! To inspire your efforts, sample code for both text and graphic links are included below.
Text Only Link
Below is sample HTML code for text links to the main Ancient Future homepage.
<p><a href="http://www.ancient-future.com/index.html">Ancient Future</a>. World music supersite of the internationally acclaimed world fusion music group Ancient Future. Features a world music catalog, world music radio and TV, concert listings, links page, and music education including training in the rhythms of Africa, Bali and India.</p>
<p><a href="http://www.ancient-future.com/index.html">Ancient Future</a>. World music supersite of the internationally acclaimed world fusion music group Ancient Future.</p>
Below is sample HTML code for a text link to the band section of the Ancient Future site.
<p><a href="http://www.ancient-future.com/bandmain.html">Ancient Future</a>. All about the pioneering world fusion music group Ancient Future.</p>
Below is sample HTML code for a text link to the education section of the Ancient Future site.
<p><a href="http://www.ancient-future.com/education.html">World Music Educatione</a>. World music education brought to you by the pioneering world fusion music group Ancient Future.</p>
Graphic Links
Below are some sample retro banner links to an alternative Ancient Future entrance page with a time travel theme. These are only samples. Feel free to create your own graphic link to any page in the Ancient Future site.
8.7K Banner Code
Here is the HTML code and directions for a reciprocalgraphic link to an alternative Ancient Future entrance page using a banner ad format.
First, please save this banner to your hard drive:
and put it in the /image directory on your site. This will make the page load faster. Then copy the following code to the page you are linking from:
<a href="http://www.ancient-future.com/timemachine.html" target="_top"><img src="../images/timemachinebanner.gif" alt="Enter the Ancient Future" width="468" height="60" border="1" /></a>
6.4K Small Banner Code
Here is the HTML code and directions for a reciprocal graphic link to an alternative Ancient Future entrance page with a time travel meets music metaphor.
First, please save this animated gif graphic to your hard drive:
and put it in the /image directory on your site. This will make the page load faster. Then copy the following code to the page you are linking from:
<a href="../timemachine.html" target="_top"><img src="../images/timemachinebannerle.gif" alt="Enter the Ancient Future" width="400" height="40" border="1" /></a>
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