World Fusion Music Link Recommendations
To send a recommendation for a world fusion link, e-mail the information below to info@ancient-future.com.
Sites will be reviewed for appropriateness to the world fusion music movement. Sites must be set up to load in iframes, and must not use code that interferes with the back button on browsers.
Priority is given to those sites with reciprocal links to Ancient-Future.Com. Here are instructions on how to link to this site complete with sample code.
Please allow up to one year for links additions and corrections. To speed up the process, we are looking for a volunteer to help update these links. If you are interested and have knowledge of world music and web site design, please let us know at info@ancient-future.com.
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Contact Name (required)
Postal Address
City State Postal Code (ZIP) Country
Telephone FAX (optional)
URL (required)
Site Title (required)
Site Description (required, 25 words or less, no hype)
Category (required, choose one):
Catalogs: Books and Records
General Music Resources
Links Pages
Traditional World Music Resources
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