General Music Resources
Artist Support • Distribution • Education • Gear • Magazines • Notation • Recording • Related Arts • Software • Video
Artist "Support"
The word "support" is in quotes because there is often a fine line between supporting artists and exploiting them. It is an artist's individual responsibility to determine which category any artist "support" site resides in relationship to their own unique situation. But one organization that definitely supports artists is the Artist Rights Alliance.- Arts-Online.Com. Celebrates the Net's global diversity, democracy, and freedom of expression, and champions its explosion of new opportunities for artists to promote their work themselves.
- Audio Recording Center:. Helpful articles, a well organized Links section, and other useful resources for the independent music maker.
- Artist Rights Alliance. An artist-run non-profit advocacy group representing creators in the digital landscape.
- Globe Records Sound and Vision Cyberlounge. The unusual or hard to find featuring SF Bay Area artists.
- Mixposure.com. Mixposure is a site is for bands to submit music, have it rated and reviewed, participate in contests.
- Record Labels & Companies Guide. Info on the majors, independents, and everything in between. .
- Songrite.Com. Extensive information and advice on copyright and related issues.
- The Orchard. Digital distributor that bought Ancient-Future.Com Record's original indie distributor, IRIS. They give labels protection technical solutions and assistance in the sell-through of music once online.
- Brave New Works. Dedicated to presenting, promoting and performing contemporary classical music for a broad audience without compromising artistic integrity.
- MatthewMontfort.Com. Study guitar, bass, charango, sitar, mandolin, music theory, world music, jazz, composition and world rhythms with Matthew Montfort.
- Piano Lessons by Quiescence Music. Learn to play in the new age style with these online lessons for beginning adults.
- Recording Connection. An established music industry school where students train to be professional recording engineers.
- The Guitar Junky. Music gear reviews.
- Abstractlogix.com. Jazz fusion website features musicians who have had a serious impact on music.
- The Djinsphere. The Djinnsphere reflects our search for the best in music, movies and books - our encounters with some of the talented individuals involved and their career histories in brief.
- Jerry Jazz Musician. Jazz portal named named Jazz Web Site of the Month by National Public Radio.
- Free Score. Directory of free sheet music.
- Forte Notation. Notation software and free public domain classical and folk sheet music.
- Onlinesheetmusic. Music publisher delivering playable, printable sheet music via the Internet.
- Sheetmusic Plus. Huge selection of sheet music and songbooks at discount prices.
Recording Studios, Graphics, and Duplication
- Ancient Future Studios. Ancient Future Studios specializes in world music, jazz, and acoustic studio recordings and live concert editing.
- Mediatechnics.com. CD/DVD equipment, services and supplies.
Related Arts
- A Gift of Poetry. Poetry written for special occasions such as weddings, birthdays and anniversaries. Wedding poems, anniversary poems and birthday poems a specialty.
- Art Gallery Worldwide. Artwork in different styles and media.
Software and Electronic Music
- Free Classical MIDI. Thousands of classical and jazz music files, the unique site which contains completely free download MIDI files, plus 5,000+ listed fugues, fugue theory and analyses, fugue tools, reviews. Inside J.S. Bach and Beethoven's special pages include large biographies, images and bibliographies. Sheet music, CDs and musical products may be ordered online here.
- Piano Wizard. Software that teaches people to read music using MIDI files.
- Sibelius. Music notation software.
Video Studios
- Gordyo Video. The late Gordy Hall's video studio in Fairfax, California, documented the music scene in Northern California.
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