Ancient-Future.Com AF 2010. 30th Anniversary Remastered Edition.
Digipak CD/Booklet- $17.98 (SALE $10):
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Educational 11 Page Digital Liner Notes- $1.98 (SALE $1.50):
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Planet Passion 11" x 17" Limited Edition Poster- $15.00:
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The Six Chapters
Learn folklore of ancient world music traditions and listen to the music in each chapter:
Flirtation Courtship Sacred Eros The Wedding Seduction Longing
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Adam and Eve: Slavonic Genesis |
Track 10. Ne Po Pogrebu Bochonochek 5:07 (Traditional. New arrangement and composition by Matthew Montfort. © 2001 Ancient Future Music). iTunes. >YTmusic.
The couple are about to spend their first night together. Irina Mikhailova sings about the woman removing an item of the shy mans clothing each time she calls him by a more intimate name:
Ne po pogrebu bochonocheck kataetsya, lebedinyi moi lebedinyi lebed belyi maladoi.
Kak Ivanu sujenoi velichaetsyam, lebedinyi moi lebedinyi lebed belyi maladoi.
Oi ty Marichka razui, Ivanovna razadui.
Ya to rada razobud, da new znayu kak zovut?
Adnu nojeniku razula, Ivanuskoi nazvala.
A druguyu razula, Vasilichem nazvala.
(Podpoyasochku snyala, milym drujkom nazvala.
Podpoyasku da na kryuchok, sama tyanu pod bochok.
Podkachusya podvalyusya, nikogo ya ne boyusy, lebedinyi moi lebedinyi lebed belyi maladoi.)
Oh its not the sound of a barrel rolling in the cellar but like the white swan like the youthful one.
The youthful one is called Ivan, like the white swan like the youthful one.
Oh Marichka take Ivans shoe off, take it off. (Marichka answers:)
I will be glad to take his shoe off but how should I be calling him?
I took one of his shoes off his foot and called him Ivanushka.
I took the shoe off his other foot and called him Vasilichem.
(I took off his belt and called him my dear one.
I hung the belt on the hook and lay down by his side.
Rocking and rolling, loving without fear, like the white swan like the youthful ones.)
Irina Mikhailova: vocals, shaker
Matthew Montfort: guitars, fretless bass, synthesizer
Emam: tabla
Ian Herman: drum set
Ring Me: All songs are available as real music ringtones at WorldMusicRingtones.Com.
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Limited Edition Poster
Planet Passion 11" x 17" Limited Edition Poster- $15.00: Add Poster to Cart. Buy Poster Now. In 2021, a few posters from the original 2001 printing were found deep in the Ancient Future archives. Includes the 8.5" x 11" version while supplies last.