Twitter: Ancient Future Band (Ancient_Future)
Facebook: Ancient Future Fan Page • Matthew Montfort Fan Page
Sept 2013 Issue:
Ancient Future 'World Without Walls' Reunion
•Freight and Salvage, Berkeley, Oct. 16: Fourth Reunion Concert After 15 Year Hiatus
Fall into the Future Sale
• Four Acclaimed Releases Just $10 Each, 25% off Books, and New Tracks A.F.A.R.
Musical Awakening of Indian Jazz Concert
• Harris Center, Folsom, Sept. 14, Featuring Binay Pathak, George Brooks, Matthew Montfort, Abbos Kosimov, and Vishal Nagar
Ancient Future World Without Walls Reunion
Freight and Salvage, Berkeley, Oct. 16: Fourth Reunion Concert After 15 Year Hiatus
Ancient Future Performs 'Turkish Taffy' at "World Without Walls" Reunion
Wednesday, October 16, 8 PM
Freight and Salvage
2020 Addison Street
Berkeley, CA 94704
Tix: $18.50 in advance, $20.50 at the door.
Info: Call 510-644-2020 or email info@freightandsalvage.org
Poster (703k pdf). Facebook Event.
This exact lineup of Ancient Future appeared on the band's influential World Without Walls and Asian Fusion recordings and played over a hundred concerts together from 1988 to 1995. In 2011, they reunited for the first time in 15 years to perform concerts at Todos Santos Plaza in Concord and Yoshi's in San Francisco. In honor of the reunion concerts, World Without Walls was released digitally by Capitol Records for the first time ever at major digital retailers such as iTunes. Twenty two years after its initial release in 1990, broadcasters worldwide voted the record as one of the top 5 world music releases of 2012. In September 2012, the band performed at the Frick Museum in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. This show featuring the original lineup of Matthew Montfort on scalloped fretboard guitar, Jim Hurley on violin, Doug McKeehan on keyboards, and Ian Dogole on percussion, plus Kash Killion on bass will be their fourth reunion concert. Don't miss this very rare event! Read more.
Fall into the Future Sale
Four Acclaimed Releases Just $10 Each, 25% off Books, and New Tracks A.F.A.R.
For a limited time, Ancient-Future.com is hosting a "Fall into the Future" sale with rollbacks to the lowest prices we have ever offered on the following releases, so now is the time to pick them up! They also make great gifts. Plus, the Archive of Future Ancient Recordings is close to a fundraising milestone that will propel the project to fall into the future with two new studio tracks!
Planet Passion by Ancient Future. Ancient-Future.Com Records AF-2010. List $17.98. Sale: $10. Buy 1 Now. (>YTmusic.)
Sangria by Mariah Parker. Ancient-Future.Com Records AF-2017. List $17.98. Sale: $10. Buy 1 Now. (>YTmusic).
Seven Serenades for Scalloped Fretboard Guitar by Matthew Montfort. Ancient-Future.Com Records AF-2008. List $17.98. Sale: $10. Buy 1 Now. (>YTmusic).
Sympathetic Serenade by Matthew Montfort. Ancient-Future.Com Records AF-2012. Signed EP CD-R. List $12.98. Sale: $10. Buy 1 Now. (>YTmusic).
Ancient Traditions–Future Possibilities by Matthew Montfort. Book/Enhanced CD set with MIDI Soundfiles. List $69.95. Sale: $52.95. Buy 1 Now.
"You've heard Afro-Pop, sitar, gamelan and world music for years. But do you know what they are and how they work? Better yet, would you like to play those twisted cross-rhythms and melodies? In Ancient Traditions--Future Possibilities, Matthew Montfort, a founding member of the world music band Ancient Future, has put together the book for people who want to dig into world music with both hands." – Richard Kadrey, SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE
The Archive of Future Ancient Recordings Ready to Fall into the Future
The Archive of Future Ancient Recordings concept is to involve fans of world fusion music in supporting the creation of a collection of new recordings that are available to subscribers as they are created, including beautiful digital liner notes of the recording in progress, downloads of all available files in MP3, CD, or hi-res audiophile quality, and files to print an A.F.A.R. So Far CD label, cover, and tray card for CD and hi-res subscribers. You can subscribe for as little as $15 (a real bargain for so much music), or as much as you care to donate. So far, we've raised $2850 of our total project goal of $25,000, and there are already eight tracks in the archive totaling 52 minutes and 31 seconds. Two more studio tracks were completed and mixed over the summer, and will be added when we reach the fundraising milestone of $3000. Please help Ancient Future "fall into the future" by supporting the Archive of Future Ancient Recordings now!
Recording Newsletter. $15 (receive 128 kbps downloads): Subscribe @ $15. Download Supporter. $25 (320 kbps downloads): Subscribe @ $25. Limited Edition CD Sponsor. $50 (all previous plus CD quality audio): Subscribe @ $50. Honorary A & R Representative. $75 (all previous plus video and 24 bit audio): Subscribe @ $75. Donor VIP. Make Additional Donation.
Musical Awakening of Indian Jazz Concert
Shown: Matthew Montfort, Binay Pathak, George Brooks, and Vishal Nagar
Harris Center, Folsom, Sept. 14, Featuring Binay Pathak, George Brooks, Matthew Montfort, Abbos Kosimov, and Vishal Nagar
Saturday, September 14th, 2013, 7 PM
Harris Center
Stage 2: City Studio Theater
10 College Parkway
Folsom, CA 95630
Tix: $25. Students with ID & seniors 65 and older, $20.
Info: 916-608-6888.
Facebook Event.
Pandit Binay Pathak (renowned Indian vocalist, harmonium player and composer), George Brooks (jazz saxophonist and composer who's considered a "leading American voice in Indian jazz fusion"), Matthew Montfort (leader of Ancient Future and guitar innovator who's considered one of the world's "Top 100 Acoustic Guitarists"), Abbos Kosimov (Uzbekistan's legendary percussionist) and Vishal Nagar (one of the finest Indian tabla masters of his generation) will perform original compositions that lace ancient elegant melodies with the rhythms of North India and a taste of modal jazz.