Ancient Future Times: 2020 Vision
December 2019 Issue:
2020 Vision
•Ways to Help the World Fusion Movement Reduce Polarization
'Till 2020 Sale
•Recordings, Music Eduction, and Musical Scavenger Hunt
Global Guitar Summit
•12/6/19, Wu Wei Tea Temple, Fairfax
2020 Vision

Ways to Help the World Fusion Movement Reduce Polarization
1. Fun Raising: Make a Tax Deductible Contribution
In this age of polarization, world fusion music is needed now more than ever. You can help our "fun raising" efforts to support Ancient Future's local Northern California concert season, provide seed money to bring Ancient Future to perform in your area, or support new compositions and recordings:
- Make a Tax Deductible Donation. Ancient Future was accepted for fiscal sponsorship with InterMusic SF, a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization, and now donations made through them on behalf of Ancient Future are 100% tax deductible to the full extent of the law!
2. Support the Archive of Future Ancient Recordings
Fun Raising A.F.A.R. Past the Finish Line
The Archive of Future Ancient Recordings, Ancient Future's fun fan funded recording project, has over 86 minutes of music in it so far. Another set of studio tracks that will expand the project by over 50% are already in production.
Hundreds and hundreds of hours have already gone into the composition, rehearsal, pre-production, and recording the guitar and bansuri flute tracks for Beyond Kalyan, a new piece by Matthew Montfort based on Rag Kalyan. At around 30 minutes long, it is a very expansive, emotional, and difficult to perform piece. Mindia Devi spent several weeks practicing her bansuri flute parts, and all of the composed sections and most of her improvised solos have been recorded. The next step will be recording Vishal Nagar's tabla tracks.
It's time for some "fun raising" to fund payments to master musicians so that they can carve out time to practice their parts and record them. We have raised 22% of our funding goal so far. This is substantial, but averages just a little more than 2% per year, so we need to greatly speed up our fun raising to complete the project.
Please consider becoming a supporter at one of the levels below, starting at just $15. And if you are already a supporter, you can still upgrade to higher quality downloads until each supporter level is sold out. Once you become a supporter, you will receive all of the tracks in the archive (and all of the tracks that will be added in the future), and you will be eligible to buy a limited edition CD-R of the Best of A.F.A.R. So Far, which includes all of the best tracks that will (barely) fit on a CD-R.
The Archive of Future Ancient Recordings by Ancient Future. (Ancient-Future.Com Records AF-2030)
- Recording Newsletter-$15 (receive 128 kbps downloads): Subscribe @ $15.
- Download Supporter- $25 (320 kbps downloads): Subscribe @ $25.
- Limited Edition CD Sponsor- $50 (all previous plus CD quality audio): Subscribe @ $50.
- Honorary A & R Representative- $75 (all previous plus video and 24 bit audio): Subscribe @ $75.
- Donor VIP- $??: Make Additional Donation.
- A.F.A.R. So Far CD-R- $20 Additional. (SALE $15): Buy CD-R Now.
3. Make and Share Diverse Playlists
Streaming payments to artists are absurdly low, and the switch from music ownership to ad supported streaming has greatly harmed artists' ability to create new work. But there are even more problems with streaming. The algorithms are set up to suggest artists who sound like the music that the listener is already listening to. So, how are people to find out about new directions in music or music from other cultures?
After you support the artists you enjoy by purchasing their work (FUN raise A.F.A.R.), you can help to support musical diversity by making and sharing your own playlists of Ancient Future with your favorite artists from different genres. This can help to expand people's awareness, rather than narrow it. Right now, due to heavily weighted major label playlists featuring Ancient Future with New Age artists popular in the 80's, Ancient Future is predominantly suggested by streaming services to fans of New Age music. This is very limiting for the world fusion music movement. Fans of New Age music have often enjoyed world fusion music, especially the slower tempo pieces. But this isn't helping the world fusion music movement to reach people who need to be turned on to more diverse music.
Apple Music
Stream Ancient Future on Apple Music
If the above link doesn't work, search for Ancient Future directly in Apple Music. Apple doesn't have an ad supported tier, so it pays the most per stream of the major streaming companies at 65/100 of a penny net to Ancient-Future.Com Records, but that's nowhere near a sustainable payment that can support the creation of new recordings. It's much better to buy the downloads while you still can. Apple does allow you to make and share playlists. Please make public playlists with diverse artists and share them.
How to Make an Apple Music Playlist
Stream Ancient Future on Spotify
Spotify pays a lower streaming rate than Apple, but higher than YouTube. It is still extremely low, especially for the ad supported tier, where a stream nets Ancient-Future.Com Records only 17/100 of a penny, while the subscription tier nets 36/100 of a penny. All users of Spotify can create playlists.
How to Make a Spotify Playlist
Spotify playlists featuring Ancient Future with appropriate artists can be found at WorldFusionMusicRadio.Com.
Stream Ancient Future on Pandora
Pandora pays less per stream than Spotify on its free radio format, but more than Spotify on its subscription tier. Ancient-Future.Com Records nets 8/100 of a cent per stream on Pandora radio playlists, and 41/100 of a cent for Pandora Premium. The free version of Pandora doesn't allow user playlist creation, but you can thumbs up and down tracks. The Ancient Future station on Pandora is populated almost exclusively with tracks by artists with no world music influences at all. Please thumbs down those selections. If you hear Ancient Future on any Pandora station, please thumb it up so that more people find out about world fusion music. If you are a Pandora Premium user, you can create playlists.
How to Make a Pandora Playlist
Watch Ancient Future on YouTube
Stream Ancient Future on YouTube Music
YouTube Music pays the lowest of all major music streaming services. For example, 1,708,584 streams of a track by Ancient Future on our own label on YouTube's ad supported service overseas netted Ancient Future only $101.16. That's less than 6/1000 of a cent per stream! Yes, thousandths of a cent! If this had not been on our own label, the artist share would have been even less. This is a travesty. Perhaps it is best to listen to YouTube Music with the sound off. Their subscription tier nets Ancient-Future.Com Records 65/100 of a cent, which is on par with Apple Music, but less than 0.02% of the reported streams in 2019 were in the subscription tier, so the higher rate is just a PR stunt at this point. YouTube Music is available in more countries than Spotify and all users of YouTube can create playlists, so for the time being we are encouraging the creation of YouTube playlists to share with users in countries where Spotify isn't available. Just remember to do your own listening on other services.
How to Make a YouTube Playlist
'Till 2020 Sale
Recordings, Music Education, and Musical Scavenger Hunt
Purchases at the Ancient-Future.Com World Music Store directly support the artists and the music, and this sale offers bargain prices until 2020!
Five for Fifty: Five Releases Just $10 Each
- Yearning for the Wind by Ancient Future (Ancient-Future.Com Records AF-20302). Signed Audio/Video E-CD-R- List $17.98. (SALE $10): Buy 1 Now.
- Planet Passion by Ancient Future( Ancient-Future.Com Records AF-2010). CD- List $17.98. (SALE $10): Buy 1 Now.
- Sangria by Mariah Parker (Ancient-Future.Com Records AF-2017). CD- List $17.98.(SALE $10): Buy 1 Now.
- Seven Serenades for Scalloped Fretboard Guitar by Matthew Montfort (Ancient-Future.Com Records AF-2008). CD- List $17.98. (SALE $10): Buy 1 Now.
- Sympathetic Serenade by Matthew Montfort (Ancient-Future.Com Records AF-2012). Signed EP CD-R- List $12.98.(SALE $10): Buy 1 Now.
Music Education Sale: Get More Enjoyment Out of Music
World Music Studies for Listeners and Musicians!
Want to get more out of listening to music? Study of music traditions isn't just for musicians. For example, many listeners are attracted to the spiritual feeling of Indian classical music. But knowing the basics of tala (Indian rhythm cycles) will greatly enhance what one experiences while listening.
A great way to get started on a journey to become a better listener is to visit the education section of Ancient-Future.Com. Included are explanations of African, Arabic, Balinese, and Indian traditions along with some basic exercises to practice that require no instruments to perform. Your site surfing can even win prizes in this issue's Musical Scavenger Hunt! And as you learn more, you may wish to take a private Skype lesson to continue your studies.
Beats Book Brings Bang for the Buck
Sale Celebrates New Audio Guides and Grooves
Ancient Traditions – Future Possibilities: Rhythmic Training Through the Traditions of Africa, Bali and India by Matthew Montfort (Kentfield: Ancient Future Music, 1985. ISBN 0-937879-00-2).
- Comb Bound Book- $46.95 (SALE $33.95): Buy 1 Now.
- Book and Enhanced Audio CD Set with MIDI Files- $74.95 (SALE $53.95): Buy 1 Now.
- Book & Audio Guide/MIDI Download (New Best Buy!)- $69.95 (SALE $49.95): Buy 1 Now.
- Companion MP3/MIDI Guide Tracks Download Set (New Release!)- $34.95 (SALE 24.95): Buy 1 Now.
- Companion Audio/MIDI Guide Tracks 2 Volume CD/CD-ROM Set- $39.95 (SALE $29.95): Buy 1 Now.
This classic "world beat bible" by Matthew Montfort takes the student on a musical voyage through the ancient rhythmic traditions of Africa, Bali, and India with a series of exercises that require no instruments to perform. Interesting, imaginative and fun, these rhythm exercises will be of immense help to all music lovers, not just percussionists.
The new downloadable companion set of MP3 audio guide and MIDI groove tracks of the exercises in the book Ancient Traditions – Future Possibilities is set up for playback on Mac and PC computers, tablets, and smartphones. The tracks are also available on a CD/CD-ROM set. The material is presented in two complimentary formats: audio guide tracks and MIDI groove tracks.
Digital Liner Note Discounts
- Yearning for the Wind Digital Liner Notes. Download- $1.98 list (SALE $1.50): Buy 1 Now. 7 page .pdf of liner notes for Yearning for the Wind by Ancient Future. Features detailed explanations of the musical concepts of raga and tala behind the music.
- Seven Serenades for Scalloped Fretboard Guitar Digital Liner Notes. Download- $2.98 list. (SALE $2): Buy 1 Now.17 page .pdf of liner notes for Seven Serenades for Scalloped Fretboard Guitar by Matthew Montfort. Explains the inspirations and musical concepts behind each serenade. Sheet music is included for those who want to delve deeper.
Skype Studies Sale
Study any of the musical traditions featured on the Ancient Future web site via private Skype lessons with Ancient Future bandleader and guitarist, Matthew Montfort. Recognized as one of the world's 100 Greatest Acoustic Guitarists, Matthew Montfort teaches all styles of guitar (and other fretted instruments including ukulele, bass, mandolin, charango, and sitar) along with record production, composition, world rhythms, music theory, and repertoire for all instruments.
Skype Lessons
- 60 Minute Lesson- $75. (SALE $60): Buy 1 Now. Custom private one hour online lesson.
- 45 Minute Lesson- $65. (Sale $50): Buy 1 Now. Custom private 45 minute online lesson.
- 30 Minute Lesson- $50. (Sale $40): Buy 1 Now. Custom private 30 minute online lesson.
Gift certificates are available for online lessons worldwide via Skype and other webcam conferencing services. And for a limited time, an additional discount is automatically offered on a Skype tutorial with purchase of Matthew Montfort's book Ancient Traditions – Future Possibilities: Rhythmic Training Through the Traditions of Africa, Bali, and India at Ancient-Future.Com!
Musical Scavenger Hunt
3 Ways to Win
Hunt through Ancient-Future.Com to answer the scavenger hunt questions. All of those who get any answer right win an educational digital liner note download of their choice! Get all of the answers right and also win your choice of the Audio Guide or MIDI Groove companion tracks to the world rhythms training manual, Ancient Traditions – Future Possibilities.
3 Scavenger Hunt Questions
- Name six instruments utilized in an Ewe percussion orchestra.
- What is the name of the more offbeat part of a Balinese kotèkan?
- What is the name of an 11 beat North Indian rhythmic cycle that includes two groupings of 1 1/2 beats?
This scavenger hunt contest is open only to subscribers to the Ancient Future Times. If you are not already receiving this newsletter, please subscribe before entering. Entries accepted through January 1, 2020. Send entries to
Global Guitar Summit
12/6/19, Wu Wei Tea Temple, Fairfax
Friday, December 6, 8 PM
Global Guitar Summit
Wu Wei Tea Temple
1820 Sir Francis Drake Blvd.
Fairfax, CA 94930
No cover. Suggested donation: $10 - $20.
Facebook Event
Ancient Future leader and guitarist Matthew Montfort and German fingerstyle guitarist extraordinaire Teja Gerken return to the Wu Wei Tea Temple in Fairfax for an evening of music from around the world.
Matthew Montfort is a pioneer among guitarists who have had their fretboards scalloped in order to play various forms of world music that require intricate note-bending ornaments while still being able to play chords.
Teja Gerken is known for his original compositions, many of which employ alternate tunings and two-handed tapping. His playing merges the styles of European guitar pioneers such as John Renbourn and Pierre Bensusan with the distinct sounds of American players such as Leo Kottke and Michael Hedges.