The Eternal Presence
from Alan Tower & Free Energy
by 4 Didgeridu's

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Transcendent four part didjeridu compositions
for deep listening, massage, yoga & meditation.
The Eternal Presence brings together four didjeridu virtuosos from around the globe to perform new compositions in a richly resonant natural setting. The resulting CD is an extended, continuous cycle of eleven interwoven compositions that takes the listener on a journey through landscapes that are ethereal, introspective and invigorating. This makes it an ideal accompaniment for meditation and "deep listening", as well as a wonderful tool to enhance yoga, massage or other body and healing work.
The recording bears the aural signature of a remarkable location – a richly reverberant stone tunnel perched at the peak of the Marin highlands, high above the Pacific Ocean, the Golden Gate Bridge and San Francisco. The tunnel was built during World War II as part of a military seacoast fortification, but abandoned shortly thereafter as its weaponry became obsolete. Transformed by the dense quiet of the night into a cathedral-like chamber for sacred sound, the tunnel becomes one of the players, contributing a powerful resonance that shapes every note of the performance.
Prior to recording this CD, the group performed a twilight concert in the tunnel's misty location perched above the Pacific Ocean. John Steere, a San Francisco environmental consultant, relates his experience, "I was moved beyond words experiencing your transcendent process of grounding the spiritual and embodying sacred sound. I was in a ritual/altered space until the wee hours of the morning thanks to the medicine you played."
The didjeridu is an instrument originating from Australian Aboriginal culture that has spread around the world due to its evocative sound and expressive capabilities. In this recording, new ground is explored as the sounds of multiple didjeridus are used to create harmonic combinations that evoke a wide range of moods. For example, "Eternal Octavos" utilizes three instruments played in octaves to produce an intensely focused sound with rich overtones, while "Primal Cycle" uses the musical "circle of fifths" to create a tonal center that is ambiguous yet strangely grounded. Other tracks on the CD explore different combinations, and all are interwoven into a continuous, organic listening experience.
The Instruments
The Eternal Presence was performed using an extensive set of over 40 agave and ceramic didjeridus that range in length from 12 inches to over nine feet long. The note an individual didjeridu produces is determined by its length, and the instruments in this collection cover a musical range from low F to D two octaves above. All of the didjeridus were crafted by the musicians themselves - Jusse Nayeli ( and Barry Hall ( – and were carefully selected for this project based on their individual intensity and their tonal compatibility with each other and with the tunnel's unique physical resonance.

Shown, left to right: Alan Tower, USA; Rafael Bejerano, Mexico; Jusse Nayeli, South Africa; Barry Hall, USA.
The Artists Inspirations
"This music captures the didjeridu in sacred harmony drifting from chord to healing chord evoking the eternal through a mystical envelope of sound. When we focused on octaves and the cycle of fifths, I felt them calling us to the ground of the cosmos – tuning us to the spiritual lattice of life."
– Alan Tower, USA
"I believe in the Eternal Presence of the spirit within all of us. I believe in the mystery and in that force that moves us all into Enlightenment and evolution. I feel a passion, a fire burning in me, pure light, pure energy, pure love. I know we will make it through...Healing on Earth and in the hearts of humanity. My deep gratitude to the Aboriginal people of Australia for bringing the sounds of the didjeridu into our lives, to all of those who have taught, inspired and guided me in the path to the One."
– Rafael Bejerano, Mexico
"Our Creator."
– Jusse Nayeli, South Africa
"Music will always be with us, from the dawn of time until the end. We draw in the breath of our ancestors, and play the notes that have been sounded millions of times before. The eternal music never stops; it flows through us from generation to generation and connects all people at our most primal level."
– Barry Hall, USA
Track List
- A Mystic Meandering (Free Energy. 5:45). Four part mystic harmony.
- Dynamic Ground (Free Energy. 9:56). Four Bb's in interdependent exploration.
- Clarion Call (Free Energy. 5:53). Trumpet belltones in call and response.
- Rite of Passage (Free Energy. 6:50). Four D's, the pitch that is the rite of passage for didjeridu players.
- A Shaman's Spiritwork (Free Energy. 12:13). Features the shaker, voice and didjeridu of Rafael Bejarano.
- Primal Cycle (Free Energy. 4:14). Exploring the age old cycle of 5th's starting on low G.
- Mist of Low Breath (Free Energy. 2:54). Exploring the softness of the night with Jusse Nayel's no breath technique.
- Eternal Octavo (Free Energy. 6:56). Exploring the octave ground.
- Our Creator (Free Energy. 8:51). Co-creating an experience of the eternal presence.
- Sonic Spiral (Free Energy. 3:33). A spiral pitch bend between E and D.
- Reprise: A Mystic Meandering (Free Energy. 3:32). Drifting between chords.
Total 70:37